Columbella mercatoria x5

  • pcs.
  • €12.03


Columbella mercatoria, also known as the common dove shell, is a species of sea snail belonging to the family Columbellidae. Here is a general description of this species and some information about its cultivation:

Description of Columbella mercatoria:

  1. Appearance: Columbella mercatoria has a small, elongated, and conical shell with distinct ridges and a pointed apex. The shell's coloration can vary but is often brownish or grayish with darker brown zigzag patterns. The aperture (opening) of the shell is relatively narrow.

  2. Size: Adult shells of this species typically reach lengths ranging from 1 to 2 centimeters.

  3. Behavior: These sea snails are found in intertidal and shallow subtidal zones, often buried in sandy or muddy substrates. They are known for their scavenging behavior, feeding on detritus and small organic particles.

Cultivation of Columbella mercatoria:

Cultivating Columbella mercatoria is not a common practice in the aquarium hobby, as they are relatively small and may not be as visually striking as other marine species. However, if you wish to attempt it, here are some considerations:

  1. Aquarium: Create an aquarium environment that mimics their natural habitat. Use a sandy substrate and provide hiding spots in the form of shells or small rocky crevices. Keep the water quality stable with appropriate salinity and temperature levels.

  2. Water Parameters: Maintain a stable aquarium environment with a temperature range of around 22-28°C (72-82°F) and a salinity level typical for marine aquaria, typically around 1.023 to 1.025. Regular water changes and good filtration are essential.

  3. Feeding: Columbella mercatoria are primarily scavengers and feed on detritus and small organic particles. You can provide them with a source of detritus in the aquarium, and they may also feed on microorganisms present in the substrate.

While Columbella mercatoria may not be the most popular choice for marine aquariums due to their small size and somewhat cryptic behavior, they can be an interesting addition for hobbyists interested in studying and appreciating the diversity of marine life. However, always ensure that you create suitable conditions to meet their specific needs if you decide to keep them in your aquarium.

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